You see, these emails were not the typical online dating messages

You see, these emails were not the typical online dating messages

I really do love my job!

One night, I sat up late reading email after email from attractive, witty guys who were single and ready to date, and instead of being impressed and enraptured, I began to wonder what on earth was going wrong in the world. They weren’t asking me out on dates, or vying for desire or attention. They were sent from great guys, who no matter what they tried, always seemed to find that beautiful women ended up dating jerks and never calling them back. Now, you might be wondering what all these guys are doing emailing me their questions, but as a professional Wing Girl, it’s my duty to be the girl who gives it to guys straight of the dating community.

They were dating from the male perspective and in a way that seemed right to other guys; but this wasn’t communicated clearly to women!

I’m always brutally honest and have been told I have a gift for seeing things from both sides of the dating lines, but it took me a few glasses of wine and some seriously deep thinking to try to piece the puzzle together. What was going on? I knew all my gorgeous girlfriends were looking for these types of men. Men who were exciting, fun, good, honest and who had their life together. Continue reading